Saturday, September 30, 2006



Good weekend all! In light of the growing number of people around who are partaking in some sort of financial management training, I thought this might be of some interest, or at least spark a mind numbing comment or two from Brett-kins.

Everybody knows everybody's favorite "hold me over to my next check" food is Ramen noodles. Check out this site for some creative ideas on an old reliable favorite!

Ramen Noodle Delight!

Friday, September 29, 2006

Putting the fun back into fundraising!

Looking for something fun to do this weekend? Well check out Fit Fest!! What is Fit Fest? Well, Fit Fest is a fundraiser that benefits The Lexington Foundation which provides funding for cancer care and research, especially the "Hope Lodge" in Lexington, KY. The hope lodge helps patients and their families who are in treatment for cancer to have housing while they are here in Lexington. The event will be held on September 30th, 2006 from 10am until 4pm at PROMATx Health Club.

It looks like there will be something for everyone.

If you like free food, then come and enjoy the tastes of
Eureka Pizza, Qdoba, Chick Filet, and Campus Pub.

If you like music, then come and enjoy the sounds of Lucid Grey, Live Fish, The Beth Mankel Band Live Fish, Crossroad Christian Church Praise and Worship Team, Eagle Heights Christian Church Worship Team, and Redifined.

If you like beauty pageant winners, then come and meet Miss Kentucky 2006 and Louis Stout.

If you like free stuff, then come to win Over $20,000 in Giveaways like a $10,000 Gift Certificate for a new Matt Welch Home, $1000 in Free Fitzpatrick Furniture, 5 - $1000 Scholarships to Spencerian College, Portable DVD players, Gift Cards, and many more giveaways all day long.

Wow, now why wouldn't you want to go! See....there is no excuse.

To get more info, got to the PROMATx website!


Thursday, September 28, 2006

All Hands On Deck!!


If you've ever rocked out at Reverb, sang out joyously like you don't do anywhere else or just sat quietly and enjoyed the music then I strongly encourage you to give back and help serve one of our own this Friday and Saturday.

Jason and Kristi Eaton just purchased their first home and could use some help moving in! Any and all volunteers are welcomed and appreciated. Even if you can only come for an hour, the help would be very appreciated. It would truly be a wonderful thing to see the Reverb community step up and help out one of our greatest assets in Jason. What a great house warming gift to give the gift of community and share in this life achievement with the Eaton's.

Think it over and if it fits your calling for the next two days, please be sure to get in touch with Jason for details on how you can best be utilized with the time you have to give. If you don't have his number, please contact the church!

Thank you!!

Share Your Wisdom...

So my family and I are at the beach for the week for some downtime and bonding. I can feel the knots in my shoulders loosening as I type.

My two year old is having a blast at the beach and in the pool. Yesterday, in an effort to convince her that her dad is almost superhuman- I swam underwater from one side of the pool to another. AND ended up with an ear full of water that I can't clear.

Now I'm sure there are millions of micro-bacteria just reproducing in my auditory system with plans to head straight to my brain.

Anyone got a sure-fire remedy for getting water out of your ears?

Speak up- I'm not hearing so well today!!

Are you watching?


An online article posted today on Yahoo reported that in July 100 Million Americans viewed video online. 3 out of every 5 internet users visited sites like,, and countless blogs to view audio/video content.

Isn't it amazing how far the internet has come in just 10 years? It continues to grow and tackle new teritories. How imbedded is the internet in your life? Personally I spend the majority of my day in front of my laptop at work only a few clicks away from surfing away. (My secret addiction to email is coming to the service but I'll never admit it!)

Wouldn't it be cool to get everyone's favorite Reverb talent (Brett, Sally and Patch) online with video content every week? Who ever thougth televisions shows would be advertising 2 minute replays of their shows every week available online?

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Harry Potter Sneak Peak Anyone?


Check out this link for an article about the next installment of the Harry Potter series. It includes a brief write up and more importantly the first 5 photos released from Warner Brothers from the upcoming flic.

Everyone's favorite child magician enters his 5th year at Hogwarts in "Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix" next July 13. (Yeah, a bit early for me too but for Harry Potter freaks like my wife and Clark it's not soon enough I'm sure. Ever been in a Walmart at midnight in Eastern Kentucky for a book release? Not pretty....)

History in the making?


For those of you that are baseball fans, the St. Louis Cardinals (a certain Giblets favorite team) could be in the process of creating some unfavorable history. They currently hold a 1.5 game lead over the Houston Astros. On September 20th they had an 8.5 game lead. There are only 6 games left in the season and should the Astros overtake the Cardinals it would mark the biggest collapse in any season from September 20th on. Like many of you baseball enthusiasts, I love to watch the baseball playoffs and it's even that much more exciting if my Cardinals are playing. This would be, in the least very UNSituating......

Also the Cardinals are 12 games under .500 since June 20th. They have a worse record than the Pirates or the Royals who both have a miserable record in the last 10-15 years.

So, for you baseball fans out there, what's your favorite team? Most memorable moments? Most disapointing season?

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Some one please water the blog plants while I'm gone

I'm headed to Chicago tomorrow with some intrepid members of St. Awesome's tech team. That means I won't be posting again til after the weekend most likely. In theory that means the other members of the Reverb Blog will be stepping up and doing some posting.

Notice I said in theory.

Anyway, try not to burn the place down while I'm gone. And somebody look after Situated_Giblets. He likes to eat at twelve and six and has a special blanket he likes to ball up on the floor and sleep on. Also, be sure to take him out every morning or he'll pee all over the place.

Also, don't touch my stuff.


Studio 60 on The Sunset Strip

Missed the premiere last week, but saw the second episode last night.

Awesome Awesome Awesome Awesome Awesome Awesome Awesome Awesome
Awesome Awesome Awesome Awesome Awesome Awesome Awesome Awesome
Awesome Awesome Awesome Awesome Awesome Awesome Awesome Awesome
Awesome Awesome Awesome Awesome Awesome Awesome Awesome Awesome
Awesome Awesome Awesome Awesome Awesome Awesome Awesome Awesome
Awesome Awesome Awesome Awesome Awesome Awesome Awesome Awesome

Also watched the premiere of Heroes. It was pretty good too.


Monday, September 25, 2006

Reverb 9/24/2006

Okay, so I was out of town this weekend. I missed Reverb for the first time. Or maybe that was the second time. I can't remember. Anyway, the point is, I'm in a serious state of Reverb withdrawal. Yesterday when I realized I wouldn't get to see one of Jason's homemade shirts, or see Fred squirming around on that stool, or watch Greg slouch up to the stage and mope his way through a series of announcements, I... I... I got the shakes and I started to sweat!

So tell me what I missed! What did Fred talk about? What songs did we sing? What announcements were made? What were the best parts? Your favorite parts? Tell me! Tellll meeeee!


Wednesday, September 20, 2006


The Office returns tomorrow!!


Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Sacred Space...

Our church facility is undergoing a lot of renovations right now (most of which are about done). One of the more exciting to me is the addition of a designated prayer space. Reverb's own Rachel Crabtree and Amy Cranfill worked to create an environment where people could spend time with God in a number of different ways. The prayer room is in the front left corner of our original building.

Those who participated in the 24/7 week of prayer recently got the chance to test it out first. If you've used the space we'd love to hear about your experiences. What was it like to pray for an hour? What kinds of things did you do? How did the space help?

For the rest of us- have we had any previous experiences with "sacred space"? What has that looked like? What has it meant to or done for our ability to engage God? Do we have any sacred spaces of your own?


Sunday, September 17, 2006

Reverb 9/17/06

Another big, important week at St. Awesome's as the Classic service was informed about the impending merge. It was nice to have Glen (or Diamond G, as I like to call him)with us for the teaching today. I volunteered on the video team this week in the classic service, so I got to hear both versions of Glen's message. I have to say I enjoyed them both, but was really impressed at how easily he switched to a conversational mode from the classic service to Reverb. Nice job G.

Also this picture of Jack Black rocking out goes to Jason for absolutely killing it today.

He deserved the ovation he got today, and a lot more, for leading us in worship ever week with so much energy and authenticity. Nice job, man. Also, how many of you noticed Moppin back on drums? Nice having him back.

So, let's hear it. What did you think of the service today. Any thoughts or questions you wanted to voice during the Q&A, but didn't get around to? I know Fred will be happy to respond. Heck - maybe we could even get Glen to stop by. On second thought, has anyone told him about the blog yet? Maybe I should go back and delete some stuff first.

By the way, Gilmore's on vacation this week. Let's use this opportunity to post our favorite Gilmore anecdotes. Even if you have to make one up. I'll start: I first met Greg when he was working as a drug mule for a Columbian crime cartel. I was working at a Stuckey's in West Virginia and he stopped in to use our bathroom and eat some pie. I knew the minute I saw him he was destined for greatness. Or jail. Or life as a mediocre pilates instructor. I'm anxious to see which one he eventually lands on.


Friday, September 15, 2006


There has been a lot of changes that have been mentioned over the past couple of weeks. I wanted to thank everyone for allowing this community to be a tool that has transformed life.

Since Transformation is so important, I know that we can learn from Christ who is our greatest model.

While I was thinking about this, I came across something on the web that has something to do with another form of Transformation. This one is not as serious, but strangely different. It kind of takes me back to the days when I was 7. Somebody from this blog really needs to go and give a detailed report on what they experienced. Really.

You have got to check this out to believe that it is really happening.

Reverb Update

This past Sunday we shared news about some exciting changes that are coming for our entire church community in the days ahead. Specifically, our Classic and Reverb gatherings are going to come together to pursue a new expression of Crossroads original vision and mission. The Reverb community has played a large part in helping us understand what ministry to a changing culture can look like. Our lead pastor, Glen Schneiders, will be talking about where we are headed as a church in all of our weekend gatherings- including Reverb. Don't miss this chance to hear about the next phase of God's leading for us. Also, as you continue to process the coming changes, please know that Greg Gilmore, Jason Eaton and I are available to listen and to talk. Don't hesitate to contact us and/or post your questions and comments here.

By the way, I really appreciate the way we came together last Sunday to lift up Jerome Eaton (Jason's dad) in prayer. He starts treatment for his brain cancer today and is awaiting results from a couple of biopsies that should give more insight into his overall health. Please keep praying for Jerome, Jason and the entire family.

Thursday, September 14, 2006

The internet continues to pay for itself

Ashley Martin just sent me this link and assured that I will get nothing else done today at work: Online virtual bubble wrap. It doesn't quite scratch the itch that the real stuff does, but it's still oddly addicting. Thanks Ashley!



Okay, show of hands: who uses Wikipedia?

If you don't know what Wikipedia is, it's an open source web-based encyclopedia. Open source means that it's readers can contribute to it. Instead of relying on it's makers of the page to know a little bit about every topic, Wikipedia uses the expertise of people all over the internet to gather information. It's a really neat, useful tool. Of course it lends itself to certain abuses, since some of it's articles allow room for the opinion of the writers instead of just fact. But what's that saying about babies and bathwater?

Anyway, open source internet resources are popping up all over the place now. I found one just recently called Theopedia. It describes itself as "an encyclopedia of Biblical Christianity." I poked around it a little bit today and found some interesting stuff. For instance, you might have heard the phrase "emergent church" popping up in conversation in different Christian circles for the last few years. You can read the Theopedia definition of emergent church here.

Check it out. It's a good way to waste ten or fifteen minutes at work and also sound really smart the next time you're talking to Fred.


Monday, September 11, 2006

Reverb Radio - The Potluck Podcast

Another fantastic episode of Reverb Radio recorded live at the potluck held this past Sunday has been lovingly prepared for you. This week we talk with "Reverbers" about good food, good times, and the big news at Crossroads. This week’s music spotlight is the awesome M. Ward song "Poison Cup" off his new album, Post-War. To get more info about M. Ward go here.

To download this episode right-click HERE
or you can subscribe to the podcast via iTunes or add our RSS feed to your podcatching application.

Also, don't forget to share your thoughts and ideas by clicking the comment link below!


Sunday, September 10, 2006

Big day

Big day today at Reverb - and not just because we had one of our much-beloved potlucks.

Now that we've all had a few hours to digest the news that Reverb is merging with the classic service to create a new and exciting direction for Crossroads (or St. Awesome's if you like), what's everybody thinking?

I thought Fred did a nice job painting a picture of what motivated these changes and what they mean for Crossroads as a church and Reverb as a community. I also applaud Crossroad's leadership for always desiring to move forward.

We want this blog to be a place where you can express your thoughts on the merge or ask any questions you might have. So feel free to use the comment section for that purpose. Just look down at the bottom of this post and click "comments" if you've never done it before. A little window will open where you can make comments or read what other people have said.


Friday, September 08, 2006

Reverb Potluck

Don't forget that there's a potluck this week immediately after the Reverb service!

Who's coming? What are you bringing?

I'm torn. I want to make salsa, but I'm not sure if I'm gonna have the time. I'll probably end up buying a loaf of bread and some penut butter because I'm lazy and unimaginative.

Just kidding. I'd obviously spring for some jelly too...

Also - Bret, Sally, and I are planning on recording the podcast LIVE FROM THE POTLUCK! It'll be a potcast! GET IT!!??!!

I hate myself.


Wednesday, September 06, 2006


Sometimes there are prayer request we can't talk about. Reverb is a family and a community, but we're all individuals with our own more immediate families and the occasional need for privacy and space.

Right now a member of our community needs prayers. So if it's at all possible, stop what you're doing right now and say a prayer.

I know it's easier when you know who and what you're praying for, but right now just trust God to know what this one's about.



Tuesday, September 05, 2006

We're back!/Reverb 9/3/06

The Reverb Blog took a long holiday weekend but now we're back.

How was your holiday? Anybody do anything cool? Personally, I hung out with Sara, celebrated one of my best friend's birthday's, went to the coldest pool party ever, and saw my family. Also, I hung out with Charlie the Intern and found out what a nerd he was in high school. That's not me making fun of him. I was a nerd in high school too - and still am, whereas he seems to have grown out of it.

Anyway, it's good to be back and ready to roll. If you've got the time, energy or inclination, tell us about your weekend.

Also -

What did you think of this weekend's Reverb service? I thought worship was especially strong. I also enjoyed seeing another of the TLC Life Lesson videos. Fred suggested the girl singing karaoke in this week's video looked a little like Jennifer Turner. Thoughts?

I'd also like to take a moment and thank all the folks who help take down chairs every week. There's two shifts - the one before Reverb that takes down the hundreds of extra chairs left over from the classic service - and the one after Reverb that takes down the chairs so the floor will be clear for basketball later that night. Chair stacking is one of those things you always see happening at Crossroads. It's a part of who we are. If you've never noticed - stop and look at the people helping out when they could be rushing out to get to lunch. Maybe thank them. Or maybe grab a stack of chairs, yourself. It's actually a great way to meet people.

That's all for now. Over and out.
