Thursday, September 14, 2006


Okay, show of hands: who uses Wikipedia?

If you don't know what Wikipedia is, it's an open source web-based encyclopedia. Open source means that it's readers can contribute to it. Instead of relying on it's makers of the page to know a little bit about every topic, Wikipedia uses the expertise of people all over the internet to gather information. It's a really neat, useful tool. Of course it lends itself to certain abuses, since some of it's articles allow room for the opinion of the writers instead of just fact. But what's that saying about babies and bathwater?

Anyway, open source internet resources are popping up all over the place now. I found one just recently called Theopedia. It describes itself as "an encyclopedia of Biblical Christianity." I poked around it a little bit today and found some interesting stuff. For instance, you might have heard the phrase "emergent church" popping up in conversation in different Christian circles for the last few years. You can read the Theopedia definition of emergent church here.

Check it out. It's a good way to waste ten or fifteen minutes at work and also sound really smart the next time you're talking to Fred.



Blogger Patrick said...

Oddly enough, Chris, he of the giblets are situated, sent me a link to eBible this week and I encouraged him to post about it here on the blog.

See what happens when you snooze Chris? You lose. When you you snooze you lose.

Nice metaphor work, there, Bret. I think that's an awesome way to describe what the post-merge Crossroads could function as.

You've finally redeemed yourself in my eyes.

10:26 AM  
Blogger Patrick said...

Hey, I would never make fun of your womanly laugh.

11:09 AM  
Blogger Spradling said...

It is amazing how much support the Open Source Community gets. Wikipedia aside...You can find anything from CMS systems, to Word Processing, to GUI's (similar to windows) to games and so much more. It is insane. If you ever want links, let me know.

Great post Patch.

2:45 AM  

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