Friday, September 15, 2006

Reverb Update

This past Sunday we shared news about some exciting changes that are coming for our entire church community in the days ahead. Specifically, our Classic and Reverb gatherings are going to come together to pursue a new expression of Crossroads original vision and mission. The Reverb community has played a large part in helping us understand what ministry to a changing culture can look like. Our lead pastor, Glen Schneiders, will be talking about where we are headed as a church in all of our weekend gatherings- including Reverb. Don't miss this chance to hear about the next phase of God's leading for us. Also, as you continue to process the coming changes, please know that Greg Gilmore, Jason Eaton and I are available to listen and to talk. Don't hesitate to contact us and/or post your questions and comments here.

By the way, I really appreciate the way we came together last Sunday to lift up Jerome Eaton (Jason's dad) in prayer. He starts treatment for his brain cancer today and is awaiting results from a couple of biopsies that should give more insight into his overall health. Please keep praying for Jerome, Jason and the entire family.


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