Monday, October 16, 2006

The Reverbification of St. Awesome's

Soooo, yesterday was the first merged service. What did you think?

It obviously wasn't just like Reverb and it obviously wasn't just like the classic service. It was, as one might imagine, kind of a mix. I think talking about the service as a "merge" is probably a little limiting in the long run as the service should be it's own thing instead of an equal mix of column A and column B, but for the time being, I thought yesterday's service represented some of the best parts of both Reverb and the Classic services.

Like Fred pointed out last week, movement will no doubt be slow and deliberate as we work to move the entire body into new means of worship and expression. I'm excited and encouraged by how the first week went. Random notes:

-The community area looked really nice. Greg Gilmore and Amy Cranfill deocrated it. And the paintings over the coffee area were by Amy!
-I thought Greg Chandler's segue into the responsive worship/communion/confession time was excellent. Greg is made for that sort of thing.
-It looked to me like the 9:30 crowd was the largest of the three.
-I had two donuts.
-I was amazed at how quickly and smoothly the larger crowds made their way through communion time. I was really anxious to see what that was going too look like.

After the 11:15 service there were a lot of old Reverb regulars stacking chairs. I thought that was awesome. If some of you Reverbites are bemoaning the loss of the sense of community you loved with the smaller Reverb crowd, you might consider sticking around after the last service and helping put the chairs away. It's a nice way to serve and it's good bonding time. For instance, yesterday Bret, Fred, Greg, and I had a chair fight. It was just like a snowball fight, but instead of throwing snowballs we threw chairs. And instead of clumps of snow falling down the back of your shirt, blood gushes out of your nose and stains your pants.



Blogger Spradling said...

I was greatly encouraged by the service.

7:27 PM  

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