Wednesday, September 27, 2006

History in the making?


For those of you that are baseball fans, the St. Louis Cardinals (a certain Giblets favorite team) could be in the process of creating some unfavorable history. They currently hold a 1.5 game lead over the Houston Astros. On September 20th they had an 8.5 game lead. There are only 6 games left in the season and should the Astros overtake the Cardinals it would mark the biggest collapse in any season from September 20th on. Like many of you baseball enthusiasts, I love to watch the baseball playoffs and it's even that much more exciting if my Cardinals are playing. This would be, in the least very UNSituating......

Also the Cardinals are 12 games under .500 since June 20th. They have a worse record than the Pirates or the Royals who both have a miserable record in the last 10-15 years.

So, for you baseball fans out there, what's your favorite team? Most memorable moments? Most disapointing season?


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