Sunday, September 17, 2006

Reverb 9/17/06

Another big, important week at St. Awesome's as the Classic service was informed about the impending merge. It was nice to have Glen (or Diamond G, as I like to call him)with us for the teaching today. I volunteered on the video team this week in the classic service, so I got to hear both versions of Glen's message. I have to say I enjoyed them both, but was really impressed at how easily he switched to a conversational mode from the classic service to Reverb. Nice job G.

Also this picture of Jack Black rocking out goes to Jason for absolutely killing it today.

He deserved the ovation he got today, and a lot more, for leading us in worship ever week with so much energy and authenticity. Nice job, man. Also, how many of you noticed Moppin back on drums? Nice having him back.

So, let's hear it. What did you think of the service today. Any thoughts or questions you wanted to voice during the Q&A, but didn't get around to? I know Fred will be happy to respond. Heck - maybe we could even get Glen to stop by. On second thought, has anyone told him about the blog yet? Maybe I should go back and delete some stuff first.

By the way, Gilmore's on vacation this week. Let's use this opportunity to post our favorite Gilmore anecdotes. Even if you have to make one up. I'll start: I first met Greg when he was working as a drug mule for a Columbian crime cartel. I was working at a Stuckey's in West Virginia and he stopped in to use our bathroom and eat some pie. I knew the minute I saw him he was destined for greatness. Or jail. Or life as a mediocre pilates instructor. I'm anxious to see which one he eventually lands on.



Blogger Janet said...

I saw Greg in a local dive preaching about how much better our mind-body experiences would be if we incorporated Pilates. He claimed he did it for suppleness and strength, and because he had to quit ballet, as the tutu was scratchy and irritated his sensitive skin.

10:24 AM  
Blogger Patrick said...

This is going even better than expected.

Also, "supple" is a great word that I don't use nearly often enough.

10:27 AM  
Blogger Janet said...

Patrick, occasional reminders of words we forget can be found at where they have a "word of the day" feature. Perfect for writers like you :)

Today's word is commodious \kuh-MOH-dee-us\

It has nothing to do with bathroom habits! It means comfortably or conveniently spacious; roomy; as, a commodious house.

From the official podcast fact checker...

11:00 AM  
Blogger Patrick said...

Not suprisingly, I find the commode to be the most comfortable seat in my house. It's where I do all my reading. Synchronicity!

11:10 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The first time that I met Greg, I was amazed by his compassion, generosity and his handsomely good looks. He was helping a widow carry her groceries to her car. As he was doing this, a thief came by and snatched the poor lady's purse. Greg quickly responded by running the muscular robber down and beating him to a pulp.

Some day I hope to be like him.

8:24 PM  
Blogger Patrick said...

Gee, I wonder who that was...

10:17 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

sorry to ruin the mood, but here are a few questions for fred or glenn.

I've heard it said that the new merged services will be more participatory than the classic service. Does that mean that the communion/responsive time will be more like reverb? does that mean that the worship style will be more like reverb? I guess I just don't understand what are the key aspects of the classic service and the key aspects of reverb that are planned to be kept for the new service.

thanks for the information.

12:54 PM  
Blogger Patrick said...

Please don't ever apologize for interupting my stupidity to ask a question.

Fred should be along soon. Thanks for your questions!

12:56 PM  
Blogger Spradling said...

"A part of Reverb's journey has been about exploring and scouting. It's almost like we've ventured ahead into unexplored territory and have returned to the whole community with our learnings about the culture we long to minister in/to. Now we proceed ahead together. We may not retrace the exact steps we took on our scouting expedition, but will still be going the same direction- at maybe a different pace due to the increased size of our travelling party."

that is an awesome comparison Fred!

2:54 AM  

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