Thursday, September 28, 2006

All Hands On Deck!!


If you've ever rocked out at Reverb, sang out joyously like you don't do anywhere else or just sat quietly and enjoyed the music then I strongly encourage you to give back and help serve one of our own this Friday and Saturday.

Jason and Kristi Eaton just purchased their first home and could use some help moving in! Any and all volunteers are welcomed and appreciated. Even if you can only come for an hour, the help would be very appreciated. It would truly be a wonderful thing to see the Reverb community step up and help out one of our greatest assets in Jason. What a great house warming gift to give the gift of community and share in this life achievement with the Eaton's.

Think it over and if it fits your calling for the next two days, please be sure to get in touch with Jason for details on how you can best be utilized with the time you have to give. If you don't have his number, please contact the church!

Thank you!!


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