Monday, September 25, 2006

Reverb 9/24/2006

Okay, so I was out of town this weekend. I missed Reverb for the first time. Or maybe that was the second time. I can't remember. Anyway, the point is, I'm in a serious state of Reverb withdrawal. Yesterday when I realized I wouldn't get to see one of Jason's homemade shirts, or see Fred squirming around on that stool, or watch Greg slouch up to the stage and mope his way through a series of announcements, I... I... I got the shakes and I started to sweat!

So tell me what I missed! What did Fred talk about? What songs did we sing? What announcements were made? What were the best parts? Your favorite parts? Tell me! Tellll meeeee!



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Where is everyone this week??

Reverb was AWESOME!! Fred did a great job of talking about words. He suggested that our words are really glimpses of our heart (Luke 6:45). He gave the analogy that words are like gasoline - it can be used for good or bad. He also talked about the importance of really listening to people. It was definitely a challenging message!! Thanks Fred!

As always, Jason and the band did awesome!

Gilmore wasn't there...Patrick, you'll be happy to know that Fred did the announcements.

1:29 AM  
Blogger Patrick said...

Thanks Amy and Kelly. It's like I was there...

10:47 AM  

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