Saturday, July 01, 2006

How to use this blog

-The gray boxes on the left (like the one this text appears in) are post. There should be one or more new post every week day, so check back often.

-Any light gray text in the post is a link. You can left click on that link to take you to other websites:
(By the way, clicking on pictures, like the one above, will often make them bigger.)

-At the bottom of every post is a link that says "Comments."

If you click on this link, a small window will open where you can read any comments that have been made by your fellow readers about said post. The number to the left of the link tells you how many comments there are. After you've read others' comments, you can make your own. At the bottom of the little window you'll see a white space:

You can type your comment in that space. After you've typed it, let us know who you are by typing your name (or an alias if you're feeling sneaky - but really, it's more fun if you tell us who you are) in the box that says "Name":

The "Your web page" field can be left blank, unless you have website or blog of your own that you'd like us to know about.

Finally, just hit the "Publish your comment" button and you're comments will appear for everyone to read:

-Over on the right hand side of the screen you'll see a variety of links you can click on.

The links under "Contact" will allow you to email Fred, Greg, Jason, Bret, or Patrick.

The links under uh... "Links" will take you to various places we think you might find useful like the main Crossroads website.

The links under Previous Post will take you to post from the recent past. They're listed by name.

The links under "Categories" represent the three kinds of material you'll find on this blog. Regular post, Podcast (internet radio programs), and videos. For the first few days there will only be regular post. But podcast and video material will appear shortly - along with instructions on how to enjoy them. Clicking on these links will take you to links for all the material under said category.

The links under Archives will take you to post from past months. The main blog page will only show you post from the last two weeks, so if you want to revisit some of our stupidity, you'll do it through these links.

At the bottom of the page there are three little symbols. The first one is the Blogger logo. Blogger host this page for free, so they like to stick their logo somewhere on the page. Fair's fair, right? The second one is a site meter. The number in it, represent how many times people have viewed the blog. The third symbol is a button that allows you to subscribe to the blog if you use an rss feedburner on your computer.

-At the top of the page is a Blogger toolbar. If you want to find something on the blog but can't remember when it was posted, you can type words you remember into the search field and hit the "Search this blog" button. It'll bring up links to any post containing the words you typed in. Nifty huh?

If you have any other questions about using the blog, feel free to Contact Patrick or Bret. Thanks!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ok, so I have a question based on Sunday's service. How do we know if we are being given advice from God through other people or not? How do we know what to listen to and what to not listen to?

1:40 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

sorry about the above comment, I didn't know where to put that. I found a better spot for it and put it there. :-)

1:46 PM  
Blogger Patrick said...

No problem.

2:40 PM  

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