Friday, October 20, 2006

Of interest this weekend...

As you may or may not know, Crossroads has been in the process of finding a new worship leader. This weekend one of the possible candidates will be sitting in with our band and helping out with the service by leading a couple of songs.

Two important caveats:

1. This gentleman is a possible hire. I stress this just because we don't want to start a game of telephone where the end result is on Sunday people are coming up to this poor guy, welcoming him to the Crossroads family, and warning him to stay away from Bret when he hasn't been hired yet.

2. He'll be leading songs the worship team picked out, backed up by our band, and our vocalist - so don't assume what you see this weekend is the most complete picture of his style or abilities.

So keep those two thoughts in mind this weekend if you make it out. Lots of exciting things are happening at ol' St. Awesome's these days. God is shaping our future right in front of us. You should come be a part of it.



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