Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Halloween is coming!

If you know me very well at all, you know I love Halloween. It's one of my favorite Holidays. I love spooky stuff, I love candy, and I love costumes. Because of my love for those last two, I'm gonna head out to Crossroads on Thursday or Friday to check out the Pumpkin Patch Party (they've got candy and costumes - no spooky stuff, though, in case you were getting worried). I like seeing all the little kids in their halloween costumes - and I like sneaking some candy when nobody's looking.

I know Bret and Sally's daughter Lilly is going as a Mermaid. Are any of the rest of our readers taking their kids to the Pumpkin Patch Party? Or maybe just trick or treating? If so, what are your kids dressing up as? Are you dressing up too? Maybe for a Halloween party? I'm going as a skeleton this year. I pride myself on originality.

Tell us what you and/or your kids are dressing up as. If you email me a picture I'll even post it if you want.

(By the way, if you're interested in going to the Pumpkin Patch Party - it's on Thursday the 26th and Friday the 27th and starts at 6:30. For More information, contact Angie Poston at 263-4633 x258).



Blogger Patrick said...

Fred, I find the idea of someone going to the Pumpkin Patch Party as the villain from Saw inordinately funny. I wish you weren't kidding.

Janet, I like any paragraph that starts with the word, "Alas." Maybe next year I'll venture out of my boring, stale rut. What kind of costumes are we talking here?

1:21 PM  

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