Tuesday, September 05, 2006

We're back!/Reverb 9/3/06

The Reverb Blog took a long holiday weekend but now we're back.

How was your holiday? Anybody do anything cool? Personally, I hung out with Sara, celebrated one of my best friend's birthday's, went to the coldest pool party ever, and saw my family. Also, I hung out with Charlie the Intern and found out what a nerd he was in high school. That's not me making fun of him. I was a nerd in high school too - and still am, whereas he seems to have grown out of it.

Anyway, it's good to be back and ready to roll. If you've got the time, energy or inclination, tell us about your weekend.

Also -

What did you think of this weekend's Reverb service? I thought worship was especially strong. I also enjoyed seeing another of the TLC Life Lesson videos. Fred suggested the girl singing karaoke in this week's video looked a little like Jennifer Turner. Thoughts?

I'd also like to take a moment and thank all the folks who help take down chairs every week. There's two shifts - the one before Reverb that takes down the hundreds of extra chairs left over from the classic service - and the one after Reverb that takes down the chairs so the floor will be clear for basketball later that night. Chair stacking is one of those things you always see happening at Crossroads. It's a part of who we are. If you've never noticed - stop and look at the people helping out when they could be rushing out to get to lunch. Maybe thank them. Or maybe grab a stack of chairs, yourself. It's actually a great way to meet people.

That's all for now. Over and out.



Blogger Janet said...

Great weekend here! Rob was in MO spending some 1-1 time with his daughter so it was just us girls in the house :)

We spent it having lunch with friends, working Tyketown, took the girls to Holiday World Sunday including the water park-BRRRRR!(trading in my Dollywood season pass for this one next year), time with my parents and a movie (The Devil Wears Prada-cheap tickets).

It was an awesome weekend!

10:14 AM  
Blogger Spradling said...

I have served my duties and years of chair stacking years ago at the Xroads services. Not to mention coffee :P

More or less, I really respect those who serve in that way.

10:39 PM  

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