Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Sacred Space...

Our church facility is undergoing a lot of renovations right now (most of which are about done). One of the more exciting to me is the addition of a designated prayer space. Reverb's own Rachel Crabtree and Amy Cranfill worked to create an environment where people could spend time with God in a number of different ways. The prayer room is in the front left corner of our original building.

Those who participated in the 24/7 week of prayer recently got the chance to test it out first. If you've used the space we'd love to hear about your experiences. What was it like to pray for an hour? What kinds of things did you do? How did the space help?

For the rest of us- have we had any previous experiences with "sacred space"? What has that looked like? What has it meant to or done for our ability to engage God? Do we have any sacred spaces of your own?



Blogger Patrick said...

Back in college I used to go park my car in this parking lot by the innerstate, smoke cigars and listen to August and Everything After and think about life and pray. Felt sacred at the time.

I don't have a place like that right now. I wish I did. Time to get in my car and go looking, I guess.

11:45 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

When I run, I say a prayer in cadence with my steps - probably because I'm not a very good runner. Seems to help me remember I'm in the presence of God though.

7:54 AM  
Blogger Spradling said...

I use to have a nature spot...God likes to use nature to communicate a lot. Since moving, I need to find a new spot.

2:56 AM  

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