Sunday, September 10, 2006

Big day

Big day today at Reverb - and not just because we had one of our much-beloved potlucks.

Now that we've all had a few hours to digest the news that Reverb is merging with the classic service to create a new and exciting direction for Crossroads (or St. Awesome's if you like), what's everybody thinking?

I thought Fred did a nice job painting a picture of what motivated these changes and what they mean for Crossroads as a church and Reverb as a community. I also applaud Crossroad's leadership for always desiring to move forward.

We want this blog to be a place where you can express your thoughts on the merge or ask any questions you might have. So feel free to use the comment section for that purpose. Just look down at the bottom of this post and click "comments" if you've never done it before. A little window will open where you can make comments or read what other people have said.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

To be perfectly honest, we're a little bummed about the idea of merging and about losing Jason and his worhship style. Reverb is what brought us to Crossroads and we have loved it. The worship, the communion time, the teaching, the realness of the whole service, and the potlucks -- all of these things together make reverb great.

The single service time has allowed us to get to know people because you see the same faces each week and the smaller group has also helped in that area.

We don't mean to sound negative, forgive us if we do. We plan on staying and helping to do what we can for the new services.

Here's a question: what is the time frame of the merging and what is the goal of the final service to look like? We know the new service will start in mid October and are assuming that the service will progress toward some "goal" over some amount of time. What is that goal and the time frame?

Tom and Dana

3:58 PM  
Blogger Patrick said...

Tom and Dana,

I'll let Fred or Greg field your actual questions, but please don't worry about coming across negative. This is a place for our community to express themselves - and I feel pretty certain Fred and Greg are looking for just this kind of honest input from everybody.

And thanks for committing yourselves to staying and working with the new service. That's awesome.

I'm sure Fred or Greg will be along soon to answer your questions. Thanks for participating.

4:06 PM  
Blogger Patrick said...

Awesome! Now Bret can not post in front of the whole church instead of only not posting in front of Reverb!

4:22 PM  
Blogger Greg said...

I'm sorry about posting a little late on this one, but I appreciate everyone's comments.

Over the past several months, I have been able to create so many new and close relationships. Just to be on this blog and hear the hearts of many of you gives me a since of closeness to you. Thanks for sharing all of that with me.

Because of all of that, we really want to make sure that others can experience the closeness of what we have all mentioned. My hope is that the sense of community that has been built can continue and also to expand. Things like the blog will continue. In a little over a month, the blog (which will be administrated by the same people) will be something the entire Crossroads Community can share in.

I am excited about all of the changes. I do, however, understand the real feelings that come with change. Thank you to everyone reading and posting to make our community closer where we can post these feelings.

11:29 AM  
Blogger Spradling said...

I am actually excited about the change. I feel a great since of peace about it. At first hearing about the dissolving of Reverb, I thought back to other situations, but this is good. Really good.

This will, in a way, force people to really examine themselves, what their faith and spiritual walks are about; and help seekers see they can truly come as they are, as God intends, but learn to grow and be challenged.

I feel like I can be me around the church body and the staff is onboard with that. Most importantly, I am excited about the change in teaching, that sounds bad, but I am excited about the gain in depth and scripture references.

I think I will start going back to 608 in the evenings and stay with Crossroads in the mornings. It is a community thing for me.

I will miss Jason.

2:42 AM  

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