Thursday, September 28, 2006

Share Your Wisdom...

So my family and I are at the beach for the week for some downtime and bonding. I can feel the knots in my shoulders loosening as I type.

My two year old is having a blast at the beach and in the pool. Yesterday, in an effort to convince her that her dad is almost superhuman- I swam underwater from one side of the pool to another. AND ended up with an ear full of water that I can't clear.

Now I'm sure there are millions of micro-bacteria just reproducing in my auditory system with plans to head straight to my brain.

Anyone got a sure-fire remedy for getting water out of your ears?

Speak up- I'm not hearing so well today!!


Blogger Janet said...

Alcohol work better. WAIT! Fred, put down that beer!!!

Rubbing alcohol. It absorbs the water in your ear and will either evaporate or run out, depending on how much you put in there.

3:13 PM  

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