Monday, August 14, 2006

We're Huge In France

The Reverb phenomenon is going global, one person at a time. Eric Crump has been a member of the Reverb community since it's inception. Last week his company transferred him to Paris. The one in France, not Kentucky. (By the way, why is it that our state has so many towns named after other places? Of course, left to their own devices, our forefathers came up with stuff like "Big Bone Lick". So maybe this isn't a bad thing.)

Anyway...Eric made the move this last week and sent us an email to let us know he has arrived and is beginning this new chapter of his life:

I'm here in Paris and it's already been quite the adventure. My taxi driver was pulled over by the police on our way to my apartment. And I managed to lock myself out of my apartment because I forgot to memorize the code to get into the entrance. All that in the first 2 hours of being in Paris. I've been able to survive though.

I went to church today at the American Church of Paris. It went pretty well and I met a couple of people there. The service reminded me of the church I went to briefly in Mount Sterling. I'm going to try it out for a while. There is a newcomers thing on September 3. I want to check it out. The service today was about "Taking a Leap of Faith". Funny how God is ready with the message you need to hear. I hope you're having a good weekend and that Reverb goes well today. I'm looking forward to downloading Reverb to listen to. Thanks for posting the MP3 on the web!!!
Eric Crump

Would you take a minute and pray for Eric as he makes this transition? And who knows, maybe we've all just found a free place to crash the next time we're in Paris.


Blogger Patrick said...

Let's make Paris the Reverb sister-city.

We can do a citizen-exchange! Let's give them Bret! And they could send us a maid to clean all our houses!


12:59 PM  
Blogger Patrick said...

Good point. They gave us the Statue of Liberty and we give them Bret in a maid's outfit? Bad form.

4:50 PM  

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