Monday, August 07, 2006

Working For A Living...

This coming Sunday (8/13) we'll be getting some really good advice about work. But why wait a whole week to start the conversation? It's Monday and that means most of us are back on the job today. So take your state mandated 10 minute sanity break and tell us about your experiences with punching the clock by answering the following questions:

Q: What was your first job?

Q: What was the worst job you ever had?

Q: What was the best job you ever had?

Q: What kind of work do you do right now?

Q: If you had to change careers, what other type of work would you like to try?



Blogger Patrick said...

1. The first job I ever had was actually in a travelling drama team for my college.

2. The worst job I ever had was working at an amusement park in one of thoe games of skill booths. I worked 12 hour shifts, heard the same muzak track five or six times a day, every day, and got to see the absolute worst of human behavior writ large every day.

3 the best job I've ever had is the one I have now. I have good, steady pay, I have lots of down time for writing, and it's given me an opporutnity to see my dad in a light I never would have seen him in otherwise.

4. I work at my dad's auto body shop. I write estimates, deal with customres, and insurance companies.

5. I would love to write for a living. I have a real romantic image in my head of sitting at a cafe or bar with my laptop and writing all day. I know the reality is probably more about deadlines and the rigors of self-employment, but it still sounds nice to me.

9:44 AM  
Blogger Greg said...

1. My first job was being a bus boy (cleaning up people's trash) at a Country Club.

2. The worst job was the same as my first. The first day that I came to work, one of the other bus boys said "Look at this." He then proceeded to lick a fork off of a table and then rub it underneath his arm. When he put it back on the table for the next guest to eat with later that day, I knew I was walking in a job where there were some issues.

3. I love what I do currently.

4. Mostly just waste time on Sundays.

5. Flipping houses. I am so intrigued by the change process. Some of my favorite TV shows are: Property Ladder, Flip This House, and Flip That House.

10:48 AM  
Blogger Patrick said...

You can flip my house Greg.

10:50 AM  
Blogger Patrick said...


10:59 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

My first job was as a retail clerk at "Betty's Gifts," a small store in Renfro Valley. I started working there when I was 14.

Worst job was definitely at a major department store (better not name) where I cleaned out the dressing rooms. Why don't people hang up clothes?

Best job - what I do now! Working with kids, families, and volunteers in the Children's Ministry.

Current Work - Well, my life is very much in transition right now, so I'm doing several jobs! 1) Until the end of the month - I am on staff at Crossroads in the Children's Ministry. 2) I've started my own business/ministry where I get to work with high capacity women to help them discover and live into their unique God-given purpose. 3) I also do some consulting for a federal project with the state of KY - working with faith based programs and juveniles who have been effected by drugs. wonder I'm busy right now!

Well I'm in the process of changing careers, so I would have to say working with individuals to help them discover and fulfill their unique purpose.

4:11 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

My first job was at a local clothing store when I was 16. I liked getting discounts.

Worst job--lasted one day. I vacuumed the cafeteria in college and decided one day was enough.

The coolest job was working for an architect and running blueprints for the secret service since Clinton was visiting one of our client's home.

Currently I am the Director of Career Services for a private college. I like the variety involved in administrating services, helping people discover what they are meant to do, and teaching workshops. I am also a wedding coordinator and I love doing that. It is has the perfect blend of creative problem solving and chaos that I like.

I would do more wedding work because it could be more flexible than my current 8-5 job. I would also move forward a side job/hobby of creating custom invitations.

Side note--as a career counselor, I love this discussion. It is good to remember that most people in today's job market will have 6-7 careers. I think God calls us to use the gifts and talents that he gives us. These gifts and talents can be used in multiple occupations and avocations.

8:07 PM  
Blogger Janet said...

First job-teaching gymnastics to K-6 graders twice a week after school when I was 14.

Worst job-branch manager for a temporary staffing company. Way too many hours for a then-single parent and I couldn't manage to do anything right.

Best job-tough call. Honestly the job I got the most satisfaction out of was pre-college, at an upscale swim club. I coached swim team, taught lessons, lifeguarded, worked private parties after hours and babysat for all the families in a neighborhood we couldn't afford to live in. Best job post college is my current one.

I'm a "Regional Sales Manager" (aka territory manager) for a company that provides quality control solutions to automotive manufacturers and suppliers. I build relationships, sell our services, and follow up on projects.

I would definitely teach. That was my first career opportunity and I've revisited it many times over the years.

9:33 PM  
Blogger Janet said...

Oops. I didn't mean career opportunity DOH! I meant career choice, but it didn;t work out. Sorry!

9:34 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

1) First Job - Babysitting. First tax-paying job... K-mart.
2) Worst Job - The fact that I worked at K-mart for 4 years makes it the worst.
3) Best Job - being a lighting designer for shows, concerts, events, etc.
4) Lighting Designer / Lighting Technician
5) Architect.

11:40 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

My first job was working at Panera Bread. Without this job, I would've never met my best friend, Sara.

The worst job I ever had was working for a hardware store as their bookkeeper. Ironically, they went bankrupt, but I swear that was not because of me. It was a mess when I got there. The owner was crazy...literally.

The best job I've ever had is the one I have now.

Currently, I work at a mortgage company. I'm an assistant to the District Manager and Branch Manager.

If I could do whatever I wanted, I'd be a back-up singer. I imagine recording all day in a studio and touring with different musicians.

4:52 PM  

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