Friday, August 04, 2006

Plenty of Pap on Tap

As I was reading Proverbs 4 this morning, two phrases stuck out to me:

  1. Get Wisdom
  2. Get Understanding

Of course, as followers of Christ we seek wisdom and understanding from the Bible. However, my thoughts began to expand and I started to thing about the information society we have become. I am overwhelmed with the continuous stream of content that is distributed to me on a daily basis via e-mail, the Internet, TV (with information crawlers at the bottom of the screen and informative pop-up side bars), radio, newspapers and magazines, all seeking to add information to my limited hard drive called a brain. Often, I find it difficult to discern between quality content that facilitates understanding and promotes wisdom from the pap and severely misguided information. So my question to you, the media savvy bunch you are, beyond the Bible, where do you seek out quality and accurate content/information? And what is your medium of choice (TV, Internet, radio, smoke signals)?



Blogger Patrick said...

Good question Bret.

Like Chris, I use, but take it with a grain of salt since it's an open source product.

I struggle with finding a site to get my news from. It's hard to find one free of bias, whether that be conservative or liberal. I've been checking out on a recommendation. One of their articles on the conflict between Israel and Hizbollah was pretty balanced and gave me hope that they might be somewhere useful to gather some news.

I get music news from and

I use for general web stuff.

On tv I use the Daily Show to get all my news.

12:12 PM  
Blogger Janet said...

I'm all for Internet for my information, and I am one of those who use any and all search critereia to research any given topic, gather all the information, find the consistencies, and use those as a basis for most information, while exploring more out-of-the-box opinions as time allows for tangents.

TV is used as white noise for falling asleep, and radio is non-existent since I am usually on the phone in the car all day.

9:11 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mike and Mike in the Morning is where to get your sports news whether it is TV or radio. I am a USA Today guy. Years of traveling and finding on the door step of the hotel room I guess. Seems to have the world news, money, entertainment and solid sports. I do check my hometown news in Ashland, KY every so often from the Daily Indepedent on the web. Not much happening on a normally. Of course I get updates emailed to me from the golf channel.

10:25 PM  

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