Friday, August 11, 2006

Reverb Radio Number 2

The second episode of Reverb Radio is ready for consumption. This week we discuss the happenings on the Reverb Blog, upcoming movies, CD and DVD releases, and a look back at Fred's message from last week. We're also excited to have David Bazan's song "How I Remember" from his latest EP as our song spotlight!

To download the song, go to and remember to leave us some feedback in the comments section here on the blog, or feel free to e-mail us at



Blogger Janet said...

Oh good! Something new to listen to in the car today. I'm downloading now...thanks for the entertainment :)

8:45 AM  
Blogger Patrick said...

We don't actually suggest listening to Rever Radio while driving, as it's list of possibly dangerous side-effects is pretty long:

Drowsiness, headaches, nausea, constipation, diarrhea, night terrors, day terrors, dry skin, oily skin, psoriosis, premature balding, erectile dysfunction, heart palpatations, flaming lips, cat measels, and brain swelling.


8:58 AM  
Blogger Janet said...

Well, I posted this once before when I stopped for lunch at Krystals but the post never came through. Maybe Big Brother is watching...

The good news:I survived the drive while listening to Reverb Radio unscathed.

The Bad News: If our Reverb Radio personalities are an indication of the Reverb community we are indeed a sorry lot. How can you not know how long a fortnight is or to have memorized Scarlett O'Hara's southern drawl? We definitely have a cultural deficit here!

The Worse News: The role model for best southern drawl I could come up with was Paula Deen :(!!!!!

Seriously, you guys are great. I appreciate you putting your God-given talents to the test by putting yourselves out there for our entertainment.

BTW Bret, Hong Kong Phooey debuted September 7, 1974. There were 16 episodes which reran for 2 years. You can download a real ringtone of the theme song here: Yes. I know *way* too much about Penrey...

Looking forward to the next show!

3:29 PM  
Blogger Patrick said...

Thanks for the kind words, Amy. We'll see if we can do a segment next week on our favorite songs of that week, maybe.

Janet, thanks for calling me out on my lack of knowledge. I should also point out I don't know how long "four score" is either. Why can't people from the past just say what they mean?

3:42 PM  
Blogger Janet said...

You know I'm just kidding you. BTW, a score is 20 years...but I can't for the life of me remember how many bushels are in a peck...

Now I won't sleep tonight!!

4:40 PM  
Blogger Janet said...

Bret, too late! I had already checked before I went to bed last night, LOL! That's me...official fact-checker. I like that title!

6:46 PM  
Blogger Patrick said...

Either you're dedicated to the idea of Reverb being a ground-breaking faith experience or your not, Fred. Don't be a fence-sitter!

5:41 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A toxic body results in numerous ailments. Millions of Americans suffer from arthritis, migraine headaches, obesity, allergies, acid reflux disease, high cholesterol, and heart ailments. All of these problems are rooted in toxins, metatoxins, and the debilities that result from an unclean digestive system.

12:31 AM  

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