Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Prayer excerpt

I've been a part of a email chain for the past couple of weeks that's discussing the daily readings from Proverbs (in case you missed it, Fred is challenging everyone to read a chapter from Proverbs a day - specifically whatever chapter corresponds with that day's date). I haven't contributed much to the chain, mostly I've just sat back and read other people's comments.

Chris Stevenson (our very own Situated Giblets) posted a prayer to the chain this morning. I wanted to reproduce my favorite part of it here. Hopefully he won't mind:

"Thank you for being so intentional to teach us the value of wisdom and what it can do in our lives. Thank you for enabling us to not only grasp the message but for giving us repeated examples of application so that we have no doubt the meaning behind your teachings. Thank you for leaving it ambiguous enough to allow for intelligent conversation and application on each of the many seasons of life participating in this thread. Thank you for making it common enough that it applies to everyone no matter their current season of life."

Kind of captures the essence of Proverbs in a way, doesn't it?

Many of you had expressed concern that Chris was just another pretty face without much upstairs, but put your fears to rest. His model-like looks mask a big brain and some really good insights.



Blogger Patrick said...


12:17 AM  

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