Thursday, August 10, 2006

Lending A Hand

Fayette County is opening a new school around the corner from our church facility. We've been calling for a few weeks offering to lend a neighborly hand and help them in any way we could. With the start of school only a few days away and much left to do, we finally got a call back asking for some help. This morning some folks from our church community went and did just that. Here's an email from Tim Stephan (a student minister at Crossroads) describing the experience.

Hey all,
Thanks for the help today for those that could make it. It was a tremendous success. We were able to empty the cafeteria full of boxes to locations, AND unload them and sort them for teachers and other staff. We spent a lot of the day putting computers together, and cleaning up boxes etc. The whole staff was so complimentary and kept saying what a blessing we were to them. Especially the computer guy, who would have had to do all that on his own.
So, if you still want to contribute, please do so. Being there today showed us they need a lot of help. Honestly, I don’t know what they would have done without our help. So, get over there if you have a few hours and contribute. I’m proud to be a part of a place that is serving outside the walls. They open next Wednesday.
If you have specific questions you can call Claire Batt at Athens, 421-1473 and let her know you’re coming.

If you plan to go: Take Todds Road from Man O War towards the church bldg; Turn right on Hays Blvd (the last road before I-75); Go to the four way stop and the school will be on your left.



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