Monday, August 14, 2006

scratching itches

I've struggled with my job for years.

I like my job. I work at my dad's auto body repair shop. I write estimates and I deal with insurance companies. It pays my bills, allows me a fairly flexible schedule, and has given me a chance to see my dad in a light I never would have otherwise.

As I said, though, I struggle with it. I struggle with it because it's not creative. It doesn't scratch that itch I have at the back of my skull to create things. For now, though, my dad needs me and (at least for a couple more years) this is where I need to be, I think.

So I volunteer at Crossroads (or St. Awesomes' as I like to call it). I volunteer there, and I write a column for a newspaper, and I write skits, and I get up on stage whenever they'll let me. Those things scratch the itch.

I made a decision several years ago not to be defined by my job. My job is eight hours out of the day, but it's not what I love. What I love is people, and my church, and my friends, and writing, and God, and a cold beer, and sushi, and comic books, and new music, and the Food Network, and my nephews, and The Office, and books, and forgiveness, and fresh starts, and when my girlfriend straightens her hair and wears that black tanktop and a pair of jeans.

Those are the things that define me.

Fred's message yesterday really resonated with me when he said your work doesn't have to be your job. Your work can be the things that you put time into, the things you create. I've tried to live that way for a long time, but it's nice to be reminded.

So now tell us about your work. If it's your job - great. If it's not, though, that's great too. Tell us about the things you put your heart and soul into. The things that scratch that itch to create, the things that define you.



Blogger Janet said...

At the risk of sounding mundane, I'd have to say my God and my immediate family is at the top of that list.

Married just over 2 years, I'm still getting to know my husband...and falling in love all over again from time to time, thanks to a Christ-centered relationship.

As for the kids, it's an intricate puzzle to me to outwardly encourage them and love them unconditionally, and to pick them apart when they aren't looking to figure out what makes them tick. I have fun and am often challenged for months on end to decipher their strengths and areas of opportunities and to find ways to lead them to figure the same out for themselves, as well as to find ways to utilize/improve those areas on their own.

I also love people (as long as they're authentic), a glass of red wine, the smell of the sea and the feel of an ocean breeze. I love exploring new countries, cultures, and food. That's about as creative as I get.

6:27 PM  
Blogger Patrick said...

I like the "scratching so hard" analogy Faith.

10:00 AM  
Blogger Patrick said...

I think "refreshing tornadoe" is a great compliment. I want my boss to call me a refreshing tornadoe. You know, instead of just, "the boy."

11:24 PM  
Blogger Patrick said...

What an awesome post, Anna.

I don't know if you're looking for outlets, but I've personally found Crossroads to express my gifts. Sometimes you have to do a little searching and create your own opportunities - but, as someone with a lot of personal itches (that didnt' sound right)it's been a great place to be.

This isnt' a commercial for Crossroads by the way, just an encouragement to get your stories out there any way and any where you can.

4:19 PM  

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