Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Getting Sex Advice At Church??

Absolutely! Talking about sex at church shouldn't seem like an oxymoron. After all, God created the parts, nerve endings, chemicals, and emotions that accompany them. Who better to tell us what to do with this part of our humanness?

In the book of Proverbs, Solomon has plenty to say on the subject. (And if you understand his story, you know that he knew what he was talking about.) So, let's start the conversation early. I'll throw out a couple of questions to get the ball rolling:

Q: Where have you learned about sex? What forces have shaped your views on physical intimacy?

Q: What messages (spoken & unspoken) have you heard from the church about sex?


Blogger Spradling said...

A couple of ways I have learened, is by observing and reading people. I observed people's relationships, parents, sister, friends ect... and learned a lot that way.

Of course the fun days in Sex Ed in school.

But I had a couple pretty outgoing youth ministers who were not afraid to speak about all the aspects (Griff and Alton). They explained the realness and how to honor God...not just how it was wrong, but application so to say.

2:18 PM  
Blogger Patrick said...

Ashley, do you guys try to get your dad to say "Alright!" as in "Alright, that's enough!" or "Alright, way to go!"

I must know.

2:21 PM  
Blogger Patrick said...

Sex education at my house happened pretty early. I have vauge recollections of a "Tab A, Slot B" type explanation. I got another condensed, sterner talk in high school when my mom thought I was a getting a little too cozy in public with my girlfriend.

Discussions of sex in church have been generally lacking in my life. I think we could do with a few more frank discussions and, occasionally, celebrations.

Earlier in previous marriage I would have benefitted greatly from an older male mentor talking to me about sex. Not just about warnings and cautions - but also about encouragement and exploration. Unfortuately that kind of talk makes a lot of guys uncomfortable unless couched in locker-room talk.

I'm really excited about Sunday.

2:34 PM  
Blogger Patrick said...


3:09 PM  
Blogger Janet said...

I got the traditional 1970's "Birds and the Bees" filmstrip in school, LOL! It covered the mechanics, sort of. I read everything I could get my hands on, from the Reader's Digest "I Am Jane's Uterus" to a TimeLife book on babies en utero.

Apparently, I never learned about the emotional side because the rest I learned at an early age by fumbling around and it had nothing to do with intimacy. This caused years of relationship issues later in life.

I've heard Glen make a few remarks regarding sex in the Bible, but aside from that, all I ever heard was "Don't do it until you are married."

I too am looking forward to Sunday. Gee Fred, you've got a lot of expectations to live up to here.

11:59 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I learned very early about the 'mechanics ' of sex. I think I was 7. Like Janet though I did not learn about the emotional side of it until much later by making the mistake of doing all the things my friends did including have sex. Then at some point I realized I was not happy with a lot of the choices I had made or the person I was becoming. Several years ago I decided to make some really big changes and one of those things was to not have sex (again) until I was married. It is amazing the difference it makes in dating relationships. For me it has been all positive.

As for church I really don't remember it being mentioned a whole lot other than not to do it before you get married. But when I made my decision to not do it I wanted to know why God said not to. So I searched the bible for all the verses that discussed sex until I found my answer.

11:29 AM  

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