Saturday, October 07, 2006

Reverb Radio #5 - It is Finished

Download the FINAL Reverb Radio by right-clicking here.....Well, we'll keep doing the podcast, but since Reverb and the "Classic Service" at XRoads are merging into one identical weekend experience, we need to retire the podast's name. Since we'll keep doing the podcast, we need to give it a new (and improved?) name. Send your podcast name ideas to or leave your suggestion in the comment.

Never the less, this episode of Reverb Radio is packed with cool stuff. We talk about Chicago, TV, and other cool crap....and this weeks music spotlight is The Lemonheads' song "Become the Enemy" off their new self-titled LP. How cool is that? Totally cool!

We hope you enjoyed Reverb go and re-name us! Come on....I triple-dog dare you.



Blogger Patrick said...

Words hurt you know...

8:38 AM  

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