Thursday, October 05, 2006

One Last Hurrah

This Sunday (10/08) will be our last formal Reverb service, and we’re going out in style. For starters, our gathering will center around sharing a meal together. We’re catering enough Sonny’s BBQ for everyone, so come ready to eat.

As we partake, Jason will treat us to a couple of our favorite preludes from the past year. (You have voted for this a couple of posts below, right?) We’re also planning a time of open mic sharing and on taking communion together. Sound good? Then plan on joining us Sunday @ 11:45am.

Oh yeah- since we’ll need to have places for 200+ people to eat, we could use a little extra help with setup this week. If you are willing to lend a hand, meet Greg Gilmore in the lobby @ 11am. He’ll put you to work. Greg would also appreciate a brief email if you are planning on pitching in this way (


Blogger Patrick said...

Can we all agree not to tell him the new service times?

8:38 AM  

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