Thursday, October 05, 2006

Mistah Jones! Mistah Jones!


Just in case there's any other Indiana Jones fans out there, here's an update on the possibility of IJ4.....


While this excites me it also is a sad, sad reminder of my dwindling youth (is there any left at 34 without children? :) ). The last release in the Indy trilogy was 1989. The same year I was a junior in high school and drove a 1979 Dodge Aspen. Yep, I never heard of an Aspen before or after that vehicle and it's probably a blessing that I forgot to put the oil cap on and eventually locked up the engine. old were you and what were you doing back in 1989?

For more Indiana Jones info, check out this site



Blogger Patrick said...

I was a 15 year old sophmore in high school. All of you would have pretended not to know me.

Kinda like you do now...

8:37 AM  
Blogger Janet said...

1989...I finally graduated from college that year (I was on the 7 year plan)and was working crazy retail hours as a department manager for Lazarus in Cincinnati. I had sworn off dating and spent my time hanging with my friends.

Man, I feel old! Thanks a lot.

11:25 AM  
Blogger Patrick said...

No different from now then.

11:56 AM  

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