Wednesday, October 04, 2006

It's Hard Being Famous. Just ask Biff.

You know, being famous, like I am, people often ask me weird questions, in weird places. Just the other day, a complete stranger came up to me and said, "You're that guy from the podcast. You're so much funnier than Patrick. And handsomer too!” This wouldn't be an unusual conversation, but this guy was yelling this out of his car window at me while I was in my car and we were driving around New Circle Road going 60mph. OH, the price of fame.

Finally, I found someone that can relate to my pain. Yes, Biff from Back to the Future fame. He understands me.



Blogger Patrick said...

Terrible. Just terrible.

11:26 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That didn't happen!!

11:32 AM  

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