Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Favorite U2 album?

The Burnside Writers Collective (an online magazine with ties to Blue Like Jazz author Donald Miller) recently ran a poll on what is the greatest U2 album ever. I'm not sure why they chose U2 for their poll. Maybe because the Collective deals with a lot of faith issues and U2 has always been Christendom's secular band of choice (I use secular here just to mean they're not on a Christian label)? Who knows.

I used to be a big U2 fan, but got kind of tired of the way they became the template for a lot of Christian music in the eighties. Achtung Baby was my favorite album. I used to listen to it every weekend my freshman year of college when I'd drive home to see my girlfriend. Most of U2's stuff lately leaves me kind of cold. Like everyone else in the world, though, I think Bono is the cat's pajamas for using his celebrity to bring attention to poverty and AIDS (even though that's a lot of lip service on my part since I don't do much to contribute to the cause other than think about how nice it is that Bono's doing something).

Here are the results of BWC's poll:

1. Achtung Baby
2. Joshua Tree
3. War
4. Pop
5. Zooropa
6. All That You Can’t Leave Behind
7. Rattle and Hum
8. Unforgettable Fire
9. How to Dismantle an Atomic Bomb
10. Boy
11. Under a Blood Red Sky
12. October

Agree? Disagree? Can't find the strength to care? Tell me your thoughts. Obviously, I approve of their choice for #1 since I already stated it was my favorite. I'm also a littledisappointedd at where Rattle and Hum fell.

While you're commenting, let's talk about how easily I shook off the realization that I'm doing very little to ease other people's suffering around the world and continued to talk about U2 albums like a spoiled jerk.



Blogger Patrick said...

You know, I can't even think of what songs are on Pop. I always confuse it with Zooropa. I really liked the song with Johnny Cash on the Zooropa album.

3:51 PM  

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