Thursday, August 31, 2006

Patrick Drury The Fantasy Football Guru!

Well Fantasy Football season has begun! And Patrick Drury was invincible last night. Its almost as if The Great Mike Ditka was whispering in his ear. Great job Patch!

I just wanted to start the topic of talking trash, this season! So here i go...

Gilmore you team is going to stinks this year and Bret is going to beat you!



Blogger Patrick said...

I would just like to point out that I know nothing about football and it was only the saintly assistance of Fred Turner and Bryan Carter that allowed me to create a team that will no doubt dominate you long-time Fantasy Footballers.

This is my first time playing. There's lots of Reverb guys in the league. What about the rest of you? How many of you are in some kind of Fantasy Football league? Can anybody tell me what I'm doing? Can anybody explain the appeal?

The draft felt kind of like a bunch of guys sitting around a table playing Dungeons and Dragons. Only with less talk about ogres and more talk about running backs.

I hope my team makes a lot of homeruns...

10:44 AM  
Blogger Patrick said...

My manliness factor is just fine, thank you.

But start picking out your superhero costumes now before the good ones are gone. Chris has dibs on Robin. Apparently he owns a pair of green underwear and pixie boots he's been wanting to wear out somewhere.

3:14 PM  
Blogger Patrick said...

Remember last night when I referred to Carolina as North Carolina and everybody snickered and rolled their eyes at my rookie-like-mistake?

Referring to He-Man and She-Ra as comic book heroes is kinda like that. He-Man originated as a toy license and isn't considered a comic book character (in spite of making his first actual appearance in a DC Comics team-up book).

Wait... what? I must have blacked out for a minute. I had a dream I was a huge nerd and nobody liked me.

4:05 PM  
Blogger Spradling said...


1:18 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, I have to admit that Patrick did dominate the draft. It was a great time. Fred was the most organized with his binder and no doubt the most polite of the bunch with his "please" and "thank you" with each of his picks. Bret's spreadhseet was pretty nice as well. Gilmore had some curious selections to say the least!

Fantasy Football is a unigue bond that guys share over the next few months as we watch the Stat Tracker hoping to pull off a couple late TDs for the victory so we can rub it in someones face the next day.

Here's to a very large year from Tiki!!

Golden Domers all the Way!

3:06 PM  

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