Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Best summer movie

A couple of years ago I wrote a column about how I've only cried at a movie once.

Well, that just got shot to crap.

Little Miss Sunshine is the best summer movie of 2006. It beat the highly-nerd-enraging Superman Returns, it beat the funny-but-lacking-spirit Nacho Libre, it beat the totally-lost-everything-that-made-the-first-one-good Pirates of The Caribean II, and it beat the laugh-out-loud-but-highly-predictable Talladega Nights.

It beat them all and took their lunch money. I laughed, I cried, I nearly stood up and applauded.

I can't recommend this movie enough. It's got Steve Carell. Not playing Michael Scott, but doing one heck of an acting job. Go see it. Right now. I don't care what your boss/wife/parole officer says.

There are some heavy adult themes and some language, for those of you who like to know that sort of thing going in.

So what about you? Have you seen Little Miss Sunshine? What did you think? Was there another movie this summer that flipped your switch? Tell us about it.



Blogger Patrick said...

Ringer is on my Netflix list, but it's pretty far down the line. I need to bump it up so I see it sooner rather than later. Johnny Knoxville is awesome.

I had really high hopes for this Summer's crop of movies starting out - but I was let down at nearly every turn.

I liked Talladega Nights and Nacho Libre - but they weren't everything I wanted them to be.

Pirates II had so much potential (the first one was a near perfect movie) but they seemed to get caught up in sequal-itis.

8:39 AM  
Blogger Patrick said...

Amy, I think you'll really, really like it.

Chris, please don't tell people I weeped. Weeping sounds so... pathetic. Just tell them I shed one manly tear. Like the commercials of the old Indian that used to cry about garbage on the side of the road.

11:09 AM  

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