Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Like Biggie Said...

Yes, I did go there on Sunday. Sorry, can't help it if Mr. Smalls and Mr. King Solomon happen to agree. I only speak the truth as I see it.

Did you walk away from Sunday's gathering thinking that you could use some more good advice when it comes to your finances? Our church community offers an intensive 13 week training course called Financial Peace University. This course is based on the teachings of financial counselor Dave Ramsey (www.daveramsey.com). A preview of the class is available on Monday, September 11th at 7:00 p.m. For More information or to register, contact Bryan Carter at 859-263-4633 x.228 or bcarter@xroadschurch.org.

Have any of us gone through Financial Peace or used Dave Ramsey's stuff before? What would you say to others who might be interested or looking for some help with their money?



Blogger Spradling said...

I dont know if my parents are using Dave Ramsey, I think they used a female similar to him. Anywho, they seemed to enjoy learning and I think they worked within their small group with the financial stuff.

Anyway, I am trying encourage those interested to check it out. Brian Carter knows his finances.

7:23 PM  
Blogger Patrick said...

I've read one of Dave's book and listen to his radio-show pretty regularly. He makes big stomach-ache-inducing money issues seem manageable and winnable. I'm thinking I might sign up for the course in spite of already working his plan in my personal finance.

10:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Holly and I are going to check this course out for sure. As our family has grown again recently we have been faced with new financial challenges and decisions. Also as we have grown spiritually we have started to consider different directions in our careers. I need the stomach-ache-inducing money issues to go away! We have heard from many of our Crossroads community that have won this battle so we are looking forward to it. Please pray for us!

3:23 PM  

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