Thursday, August 31, 2006

Fall TV

The new fall television season is bearing down on us like a runaway something that bears down on people.

What shows are you looking forward to? For me, there's the returning favorites:

Scrubs - I love Scrubs. It's predictable, yeah, it wears it's formula on it's sleeve, yeah, but it's got heart and it features inventive directing and slapstick humor.

The Office - I have no words for how much I love this show. Remember that week at Reverb where they played the clip from The Office? I want to do a Reverb teaching series where we learn from The Office. Some dude wrote a book years ago about Christian lessons from The Andy Griffith Show - so why not The Office?

My Name Is Earl - I'm fascinated by this show. It regularly features things like suicide, prostitutes, toe-sucking, gambling-addiction, theft, violence, and a host of other strange and seedy subjects, yet at the end of every episode I feel like I've just watched the most heart-warming Hallmark special ever. How do they do that?

Then there's the new stuff:

Studio 60 On The Sunset Strip - Aaron Sorkin's new drama. This one takes a behind-the-scenes look at a Saturday Night Live style TV program. It stars Matthew Perry from Friends

30 Rock - Oddly enough, this is a comedy take on the same subject matter as Studio 60. It's a Tina Fey written comedy about the back-stage antics of a Saturday Night Live type program. I doubt network television can support two shows about such specific subject matter (even thought it can support a glut of doctor, lawyer, and cop shows). It'll be interesting to see which one (if either) catches the public's fancy first.

So what about you? Is there anything in the fall season you're looking forward to? Tell me what you're planning to watch.



Blogger Patrick said...

I think Season 3 begins in just a couple of weeks.

//begin nerd talk// I want to be excited about Heroes, but one of the head writers is also a really crappy comic book writer - so I'm going in kind of predisposed. //end nerd talk//

10:16 AM  
Blogger Patrick said...

I don't watch Las Vegas regularly, but every time I do end up catching it I think, "Why don't I watch this regularly?"

2:17 PM  
Blogger Patrick said...

Can you believe Nikki Cox was engaged to Bobcat Goldthwait for a while there? Oy!

4:21 PM  
Blogger Spradling said...

I am excited about the Winter X-Games...even if they are in January.

1:17 AM  
Blogger Janet said...

The Office!!! I watched the rerun last night and still laughed my head off!

Aside from that I don't have much time to watch TV, but I am intrigued by Survivor. I only saw the first 2 seasons with regularity. I'm also looking forward to "24". It always holds my attention too.

8:20 AM  
Blogger Patrick said...

I totally forgot about Lost. What's wrong with me?

Don't answer.

8:44 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Grey's Anatomy is a pretty cool show but I will miss West Wing so I will probably stick with Football for the most part. A friend got me hooked on House last season and it is hard to beat. House is a great character!

3:11 PM  

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