Sunday, August 20, 2006

Reverb 8/20/06

Kelly Thorne suggested that it might be nice to start a post every week that gave people a chance to talk about the most recent Reverb service. And since this is a blog of the people and I am a benevolent blogger, here you go!

What did you think of this week's services? What kind of stuff did you leave thinking about? Did you have any interesting lunch conversations? What did you think about Fred's teaching? Or the music? Or the testimonies? Wasn't that first guy who talked about sex hot?

Personally, I liked Fred's point that the mystery of sex and "becoming one flesh" points us towards our creator and gives us a glimpse of him. I'd never really seen it from that angle before, so it gave me a lot to think about.

What about you guys?



Blogger Patrick said...

Rubber Mallet just doesn't hae the same ring to it as "The Hammer."

9:06 AM  
Blogger Janet said...

The music was great!

Wow! That first speaker to discuss the topic was so hot I needed to get a bottle of water from the back during individual worship time.

Seriously, I was highly impressed with the content. Now that I have a middle schooler with whom I've had to begin broaching the topic, I really wish I had allowed her to come to that service. I will definitely download the content for use during our conversations. Thanks, Fred, for giving me a really solid spin to initiate deeper conversations.

I really appreciate Natalie's candidness in expressing that it isn't easy, rather often difficult, yet giving the message that it's so worth the wait. Thank you!

9:26 AM  
Blogger Spradling said...

Couple of things:

I lived with Patch through some of his discussions and I know how nervous you were to tell your story and history. Most people had no clue and the rawness of it was so bonding, it was incredible. So I appreciate Patricia revealing some of the times post divorce! Love you dude.

I absouletly luv it when Fred shows the many different places through scripture that sex and its importance is referenced. Seeing what God says directly is so much help.

Then my sis did a good job of explaining things with I didnt have to witness any details and bust some skulls of guys that may have tried to make moves on her :)

11:43 PM  
Blogger Patrick said...

Thanks Adam.

9:52 AM  

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