Tuesday, August 22, 2006

The internet thinks Fred and I look like Heath Ledger

Mostly we try to post things on the Reverb blog that in some way relate to Reverb or the message series we're in.

But the internet is a big, cool place and sometimes we just have to post something cool we found. Like this:

Myheritage.com is a site that employs a facial recognition program. If you upload a picture of yourself to their site, their computer will tell you which celebrities look like you. Here's Fred's:

I tried it with Bret and GG, but I don't have good enough pictures of them.

Try it out. If you want, save your results and send the code to me. I'll put them on some webspace somewhere and link to them.



Blogger Spradling said...

Apparently I look like a girl and half black...who knew? Must be my long hair and music skills.

1:40 AM  
Blogger Patrick said...

It's the long hair... riiiiiiight....

8:19 AM  

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