Friday, August 25, 2006

Reverb Radio Number 3 is live

Wondering what you're going to do with your weekend? Wonder no more! You can spend it listening to the majesty that is: Reverb Radio!

Our third episode is up and can be downloaded here. If you haven't subscribed to Reverb Radio, you can do so here.

As an added treat (and I use that word very loosely) here are some photos from last night's recording (click them to see bigger versions):

Bret and Lilly work out the kinks in the recording set-up.

Lilly tests the mike.

Sally regails us with her British accent.

Patrick rants!

Bret sleeps!



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Best one yet!! Sally you are my favorite part of these. (Sorry Bratrick) I laughed way to loud and long when you blurted out "bobbing for apples". That was hillarious!!

12:09 AM  
Blogger Patrick said...

This "Bratrick" thing has got to stop.

7:45 PM  
Blogger Patrick said...

It'd be one thing if we were being called "Bratrick" in US Weekly. Being called Bratrick on the Reverb Blog just doesn't cut it. Since you coined it, you'll be the first casualty once the revolution comes, giblets.

10:30 AM  

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