Thursday, August 24, 2006

What do you like about Reverb

If you're reading this, then most likely you're a member of the Reverb community. If you're not - you should check us out sometime. We'd love to have you.

For those of you who are members of the community, take a minute and share with everyone else what it is that you like about Reverb. What is it that keeps you coming back every week? What is it about Reverb that resonates with you? We have a very consistent (and growing) collection of attenders and I'm curious what the draw is for each one of you. Include in your post how long you've been coming and why you decided to check it out in the first place. As always, feel free to be anonymous in your post.

I may fix it so that this post stays at the top of the blog for a while - so if you check us out regularly, be sure to look below for new post for the next few days. You don't wanna miss anything, do you?



Blogger Spradling said...

The mind set and atmosphere.

As being a pioneer with The Warehouse and early college age ministry, trying to help advance The Well ministry and now, finally, I feel everyone is finding a medium that works. Where God is allowed to reach people in varying ways.

That is incredibly refreshing. The relaxed atmosphere where you can come as you are and experience God the way that you experience God best/most and no pressure to "fit in" as the traditional church seems to play out.

Come as you are and learn directly from scripture. I like the deeper talk and how real it is, in the sense of Jesus talking about everyday pratical life and applying I see Fred and other speakers are pursuing.

Honestly, I don't see mainstream church goer's easily accept Reverb, it is a little different crowd, but seems more raw and real. Mainstream services DO have their place and need to exist, don't misunderstand me. I enjoy the less seeker friendly services that are challenging and deep, but honestly feel comfortable that non christian friends would come and truly feel comfortable being them selves and searching for God.

1:15 PM  
Blogger Patrick said...

Thanks Adam. Tell me more - why do you think mainstream church goeers may not easily accept Reverb?

1:39 PM  
Blogger Patrick said...

Oh, and also - what is your definition of "mainstream church goer?"


1:40 PM  
Blogger Spradling said...

Honestly, that is a really good question Patrick.

What I can say is that I am not the mainstream and my calling is in my generation and those to come. They seem to have a much different mindset than many in the 30 something and Baby Boomer Generation.

So I would have to claim that the 30 somethings and Baby Boomer generations are the mainstream. Not just because they are the families involved, but also because they are typically the staff, elders and primary financial contributers to the church. I am NOT saying any of this is bad, I am VERY greatful for this circumstance. It is a blessing.

It may be more along the lines of; the typical Christian has not been given the chance to come as they truly/really are and experience God in the way they would experience Him best. I don't want to use the word fake, but if I walk into the main services at Southland or Crossroads or Immanuel Baptist, usually it is polos and khakis, but if I walk into Reverb or 6:08 or even Mosaic, there are hats, tattoos, piercings, pajamas, chains.

I also see more Bibles in Reverb, 608 ect... following along than the main services. The worship is more open and people are free to fully express their joys in dancing or movement. I am not at all saying any service is better than the rest, it is a mind set. Some people need services where there are traditional hymns and two hour long sermons. There is nothing wrong with that.

So I truly believe, if we expose more Christians to how God wants them to come as they are to find him, and not fit some mold or have to accomplish something first, radical things could happen.

I hope that might give some insight to what I mean.

9:13 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

In one word, authenticity. The worship, the teaching, the communion time, the potlucks (aren't we way overdue on having another one?), the multi-generational crowd, the willingness to try things and attempt to break new ground are all things that I like about reverb. I never feel like any aspect of the service is a show. The people on stage never come across as trying to be who they are not or trying to impress the crowd.

10:37 PM  
Blogger Patrick said...

Thanks guys. All of this is very helpful.

More please!

11:22 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Reverb is place where even misfits like me can feel comfortable. I don't feel judged there. Everyone seems totally cool with everybody else- even if they look different. And I love the way that movie clips, songs, etc... not typically thought of as Christian are used to bring Christian principles to life. (God turned my attention to the way I pray while I was listening to a Disturbed song this morning. At my former church, I would have been kicked out just for listening to Disturbed!)
Fred is cool. He has a nice voice and he's funny. More importantly, he seems pretty Christ-like to me.
And the band ROCKS!! I was really upset (mad) this morning about why people have to die and other people have to hurt when they do. But God used all you guys to let me know " It's gonna be alright.." as the song says. Thank you.

8:42 PM  
Blogger Patrick said...

Trina, thank you very much for taking the time to post that. I'm glad you've found a place, in Reverb, where you feel welcomed.

9:47 PM  

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