Tuesday, August 01, 2006

What are you reading?

So I'm wondering what everybody else who attends Reverb is reading.

I thought about suggesting a book club, but that's just a little too Oprah. Instead just tell me what's on your nightstand. Not you, though, Bret, nobody care about the latest issue of Cat Fancy.

I'll start.

I'm almost finished with:

An Unlikely Prophet: Revelations On The Path Without Form - By Alvin Schwartz

These are the spiritual memoirs of Alvin Schwartz. Schwartz wrote Superman comics in the 40's and 50's. Sometime after he retired from that pursuit he claims a Tibetan monk came to him claiming to have been created wholely by another person's thoughts. From there Schwartz begins a journey through metaphysics and Tibentan philosophy. Interesting read.

I skip around a lot in:

Speaking My Mind: The Radical Evangelical Prophet Tackles the Tough Issues Christians Are Afraid to Face - By Tony Campolo

Pretty much exactly what the sub-title says it is. Although, I don't think most Christians are afraid to face certain issues as they're simply too lazy or unmotivated.

On deck:

The Bell Jar by Sylvia Plath

Sara's reading this now and wants me to read it so we can talk about it.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was going to comment and say what I was reading, but Patrick already did that for me. Thanks a lot. Just kidding.

Anyway, so far I really like this book. This is an obvious statement, but Sylvia Plath was crazy.

On a side note, instead of a book club I have decided to start keeping a jounal of the books I read as well as just a personal jounal. We will see how long this lasts.

11:48 AM  
Blogger Janet said...

WOW! I'm impressed. Most of my reading are books I read along with my 11 year old, mostly because she is reading more "adult-oriented" literature now and I feel like I need to read it too, in order to discuss any, um...delicate issues. I just finished "Boys Will Put You On A Pedestal (So They Can Look Up Your Skirt)". Written by the father of 2 girls in an effort to help them understand what boys their age are about, and why you should watch out for them, LOL! I highly recommend it for preteens.

Halfway through re-reading "Anne of Green Gables"-one of my favorite complete series as a kid.

Also recently read "The DaVinci Code" and am skimming through "Shepherding a Child's Heart"

Can't get much more diverse than that.

4:07 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The "Fred Factor" seems a lot like "Rhythm of Life" by Matthew Kelly, which is what I'm reading. This book talks about becoming the best version of yourself.

5:23 PM  
Blogger Patrick said...

If the Fred Factor was about Fred Turner I'd read it. I have no interest in other Freds.

11:40 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've been reading a sudoku but pitched the other night as it was keeping me up to late.

We have been reading Dave Ramsey's books and have decided to become debt free. Anyone want a house in the country and loves yard work we have the place for you.

Of course reading Proverbs. Chapter 2 today. Not sure with whom I will talk today to see if they fear the Lord and seek wisdom and understanding and verify the expected outcome.

The last fun book to read was one of Tony Hillerman's who done it with a title to do with pigs but I can't quite remember the title. Names are not important are they, just the story?

Time's up for today. More blogging tomorrow.

7:47 AM  
Blogger Patrick said...

I've read one of Dave Ramsey's books and listen to his radio show whenever I can. I've been on a "get out of debt" plan for about eight months now and it's going great. It looks like I'll be free and clear in about a year (well, except for the house - but Dave says that's okay, right?).

8:45 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thought I would join Clark and officially become a blogger! I like to jump around a great deal with what I read. I just went through one of my favorite books for about the 5th time - Raising Cole by Marc Pittman. It is about a father/son relationship and definitely tugs at the heart strings. Strongly recommended for anyone one with a son. Of course just having a baby girl enter my world this week, I am looking for any reading tips about raising girls. Not ready for Janet's look up the skirt book just yet. Also love to read anything by John Maxwell. Reading Proverbs has been great for me as well. It gets me to open my Bible everyday which is a great feeling.

10:16 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Rhett...you need to read "Father to Daughter: Life Lessons on Raising a Girl" by Harry H Harrison Jr. This is a great book and it's a must read for all dads with daughters!!


As for me...I love to read and am generally reading multiple books at a time. I usually read a book for fun...something fiction. Right now it's "A Girls Best Friend." I know I'm such a girl! Then, I read a book on Leadership - right now I'm reading "The 21 Most Powerful Minutes in a Leader's Day" by John Maxwell. Finally, I read some type of spiritual formation book - right now it's "A Busy Woman's Guide to Prayer" by Cheri Fuller. All are great books and I would highly recommend them!!

12:29 AM  

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