Sunday, July 30, 2006

Donald Miller Speaks!

If you're like me, you spend all your free time reading books, and by reading books I mean watching The Food Network. If you're not like me, however, and actually do seek to improve yourself through literature then you might be interested to know that Donald Miller, author of Searching For God Knows What, Blue Like Jazz, and To Own a Dragon will be speaking at Southeast Christian Church in Louisville on October 19th. You can find out more at If you're a fan of emergent Christianity's golden boy (like I am), or if you've just never been in a church with more than one timezone, you'll wanna make the trip.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have been lukewarm to dislike for Don Miller. Hearing he's speaking at Southeast tilts me towards the later...

4:26 PM  
Blogger Patrick said...

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

4:41 PM  
Blogger Patrick said...

That deleted comment is mine, just so nobody imagines any drama.

Thanks for popping in Troy. What is it about Miller's work that leads you to a lukewarm reaction?

I'd further inquire about the Southeast bit, but I'm not sure if this is the place...

4:44 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was excited when a friend let me borrow Blue Like Jazz, I heard several good things about the book and read the first 75 pages at one sitting. The middle of the book was torture to read and I put the book down without finishing. My two specific criticisms of the book are that: 1) It presents a decidedly Christian view of spirituality (regardless of what the subtitle says) - that was a disappointment. 2) Many of the anecdotes presented in the book were self-gratifying glossy stories to illustrate an unclear, however conservatively christian perspective. I think he did have a sincere meaningful experience as he dealt with the people at that time of this life. This recounting of those stories left me uninterested in his stories and his message. I may finish the book someday, who knows.

9:39 PM  
Blogger Patrick said...

Thanks for explaining Troy.

I think you're misremembering the subtitle, though. Miller lays the Christian part right out there. He says the book is non-religious thoughts on Christian spirituality. Going into the book looking for a non-christian perspective wouldn't really make much sense after reading that, I would think.

Secondly, I've heard more than one person criticize Miller's almost stream-of-conciousness writing style and illustrations. I wouldn't try to talk anybody out of that opinion. It worked for me, but understand why it might not for other people.

Knowing you like I do, I understand why you refer to his take on Christianity as conservative and wouldn't argue that point with you. I would suggest however, continuing to check him out. I've got an interview with him that Relevant magazine did that I should send to you. Remind me.

9:24 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I adore donald miller! I absolutely love the two books of his I have read. Blue like Jazz and To Own a Dragon. My brother makes fun of me bc I have suggested blue like jazz to pretty much everyone I know who reads. I feel like I can really relate to a lot of what he writes about and he makes me laugh out loud. Also I really like his writing style and that is only reinforced by the fact that someone I know and love has a similar writing stlye.

1:01 PM  

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