Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Finding apples

So I'm reading in Proverbs the other day, trying to make Fred proud of me, and I end up reading chapter 25 verse 11: "A word aptly spoken is like apples of gold in settings of silver."

I got an immediate sense of deja vu. I had read that phrase before, somewhere other than the Bible. So I started looking through my library (it's full of many leather-bound books and smells of rich mahogany...). I finally found The Science of God by Gerald Schroeder. Schroeder is a Jewish scientest who writes books intended to reconcile science with information found in the Old Testament.

In his book, he references Kabbalah a lot. Not trendy Madonna style Kaballah, but the real Kaballah - a Jewish religion that seeks to find deeper meanings from scripture.

In the book, Schroeder refers to scripture as "apples of gold in settings of silver" and explains that a casual reading of the scriptures is like a silver setting (or bowl) = very valuable. But a deeper reading, a reading that considers context and history is like a gold apple sitting in that silver bowl = even more valuable.

I like confluence. I like when one idea from one source lines up with an idea from somewhere else. This little tidbit has me ready to look deeper as I'm reading through the rest of Proverbs.



Blogger Patrick said...

I'm nothing if not cultured.

1:37 PM  

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