Sunday, July 30, 2006

Reverb Radio is Live!

Ever wish you could listen to something really cool on your iPod? Of course you do. A person can only take so much Michael Bolton, right? Well my friend, it's your lucky day because now you can download and listen to Reverb Radio!

Reverb Radio is a podcast (internet radio show) all about faith and culture. You can download the first episode as an mp3 by clicking here or if you have iTunes you can subscribe to Reverb Radio by clicking here. Expect more episodes on a weekly to bi-weekly basis (it depends on what's on tv on a given week, really...).

Give it a listen and let us know what you think here in the comment section or by emailing us at



Blogger Patrick said...

I think I sound fantastic. And by fantastic, I mean nasaly.

1:19 PM  
Blogger Greg said...

Sally was great. Patrick and Bret were really, really...........ok.

Actually, you all were great. Thanks for entertaining us all.

Next time that I see you, I hope that I can get your autograph.

5:35 PM  
Blogger Patrick said...

We'll be booking guest appearances soon.

And I think a Fred ringtone is an awesome idea. It's the new "George Bush doesn't care about black people."

4:46 PM  

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